Egg Donation and Surrogacy FAQs
Surrogacy FAQ's
Throughout the process, an insurance verification will be performed on the gestational carrier’s current medical insurance policy to verify her benefits of acting as a surrogate. The policy’s summary of benefits packet allows your agency/intended parents/legal representation the best understanding of what would or would not be covered. If your policy comes back as ‘surrogacy friendly’ you can remain under the same plan and continue to utilize those benefits for your journey. Should your policy come back without ‘surrogacy friendly’ benefits, you CAN still move forward, an insurance policy will be purchased on your behalf to act as your primary coverage for the journey. This is not to replace your current benefits and we never recommend cancelling your current policy.
Base compensation for gestational carrier’s ranges from $25,000 to $65,000. The base
compensation is the fee paid to the carrier on a monthly basis for carrying the baby. This fee does
not start until the pregnancy is confirmed via a heartbeat confirmation by ultrasound. The fee
structure ranges based on experience and a surrogacy friendly insurance policy in place. There is a
contingent compensation for all other related steps throughout the journey such as starting
hormone medications, having a procedure, lost wages, maternity clothing allowance, travel fees,
etc. This can accumulate to be an additional $10,000 - $15,000 depending.
There is travel involved to fertility clinics, screening/monitoring appointments and hospitals, though
it’s attempted to remain minimal. Pending all goes well with a successful transfer first attempt, and
the amount of times having to be seen for follow-up by that RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist),
travel should be in the range of 3-10 days (non-consecutive).
This is totally up to the gestational carrier and the intended parents and a boundary that should be set from the beginning. If all parties want something different in the relationship moving forward, it’s not a good idea to match and set up expectations that cannot be met. Sometimes, you don’t know what to expect and that’s okay too. A relationship can form organically throughout the journey, and you can play it by ear for what’s to come next. The important thing to remember is that this relationship is delicate and shouldn’t be forced on either party.
Attorneys play a crucial role in the surrogacy journey. It is important for both the intended parents
and the gestational carrier to have legal representation of their own, and one specializing in third
party reproduction / assisted reproduction. This is a wonderful, yet huge commitment to embark on,
so we want to ensure all parties are protected and on the same page with all the details surrounding
this beautiful gift. Your attorney will help you understand all the legalities and your rights as a
gestational carrier.
Matching is such a fun and exciting step and one that should be taken very seriously! When matching with intended parents, you will be asked a lengthy set of questions to help us understand exactly what you’re looking for in your relationship and match. We want all parties to be comfortable and confident moving forward.
Egg Donors FAQ's
Egg Donation is a process where a woman agrees to donate some of her eggs to a couple or single Intended Parent so that they may have a baby. The eggs are retrieved and then fertilized via the IVF process so that embryos can be created to transfer to a recipient or surrogate for the pregnancy.
Good news…no! The needles that are used for the medications are very small. They are similar to the size of an insulin needle that diabetics use every day. The last injection (the “trigger shot”) which is the one that will help your body prepare for the retrieval is a little bit bigger. Some donors prefer a friend/family member to help them with that one but we have many donors who do their own with no issues.
The average compensation for egg donors is between $7,000-15,000. Our dedicated professionals are happy to help you determine a good amount for your profile based on profiles similar to yours. Typically the compensation goes up for each donation you do after your first one.
Once you have been matched with a recipient, the process takes about 3-4 months from start to finish. However, much of this is “hurry up and wait” while the screening results are coming back. The actual time commitment will be minimal with the main portion of it being the last two weeks of the cycle when you are on the medications.
This will vary. Some donors get matched very quickly while others have to wait a while. We get new Intended Parents signing up every day so it’s important to keep us updated on any changes in your life, new photos, accomplishments, etc so we can keep your profile fresh and exciting to clients that you may be a great fit for.
Intended Parents FAQ's
Be A Rainbow
In Someone Else's Cloud
More Kind Words...

“I can’t believe it took us this long to make a change. So happy that we did. Numbers don’t lie.”

“I can’t believe it took us this long to make a change. So happy that we did. Numbers don’t lie.”